Old-growth logging near the Avatar Grove on Vancouver Island.

NEW Old-Growth Protection Act! SEND a MESSAGE to the NDP-Government-in-Waiting

A proposed BC “Old-Growth Protection Act” has just been released by the Environmental Law Centre at the University of Victoria. The science-based plan would incorporate timelines to immediately end or quickly phase-out old-growth logging in endangered regions of BC.

URGENT: STOP the BC Liberal Government’s Proposed Forest Giveaway THIS WEEK!

SEND a MESSAGE ASAP to BC's politicians to rescind the TFL expansion bill at: www.BCForestMovement.com   The BC Liberal government proposes new law to expand Tree Farm Licences (TFL's) to give major companies exclusive logging rights over vast areas of public forest lands - to the detriment of conservation, communities, and First Nations.

Mountain Caribou

Mountain Caribou Alert: Call to Action!

The Mountain Caribou is heading to the brink. Before we log the Clearwater Valley, let's consider the consequences. Please join the call for a moratorium.

Echo Lake and the surrounding ancient forests.

Echo Lake Ancient Forest – Follow-Up Letters Needed! Please WRITE!

These unprotected forests are within a Woodlot License, a smaller logging tenure on Crown lands, which the BC government states is not subject to the creation of new Old-Growth Management Areas. However, it is within the government's power to shift the Woodlot License boundaries to another second-growth forest area among the thousands of hectares of Crown lands in the region.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Protect Echo Lake Ancient Forest

Echo Lake is a spectacular, extremely rare lowland ancient rainforest a hundred kilometres east of Vancouver - in a region where virtually all of the valley bottom old-growth forests are gone. It may be the world’s largest night-roosting site for bald eagles, as thousands come each fall to eat spawning salmon in the Harrison and Chehalis Rivers in the Sts'ailes First Nations’ territory. Echo Lake’s lowland ancient forests – as rare as Sasquatch these days - are lacking legislated protection.

Echo Lake, BC

*ACTION ALERT* Save Echo Lake’s Ancient Forest! Globally significant bald eagle habitat

Echo Lake is a magnificent, unprotected, lowland ancient rainforest in British Columbia between Mission and Agassiz in the Fraser Valley, about a hundred kilometers east of Vancouver.  The region is home to perhaps the largest concentration of bald eagles on Earth, where thousands of eagles come each fall to eat spawning salmon in the Harrison and Chehalis Rivers and hundreds roost in the old-growth trees at night around Echo Lake.

Flagging tape marked "falling boundary" recently discovered in the Upper Castle Grove.

Action Alert! Canada’s Finest Grove of Old-Growth Cedars under Threat – Speak Up!

Recently, survey tape for logging was discovered in the Upper Castle Grove in the Walbran Valley on Vancouver Island – that is, in Canada’s finest stand of monumental old-growth red cedar trees.  The Castle Grove is an extensive stand of densely-packed enormous cedars which includes the “Castle Giant”, a 16 foot (5 meter) diameter cedar in the Lower Castle Grove that is one of the largest trees in Canada. The flagging tape for the potential logging comes to within 50 meters of the Castle Giant.

The last of BC's old-growth forest continues to be targeted by logging companies like this example on southern Vancouver Island.


WRITE-IN and SPEAK UP!   Until July 20th, the Special Committee on Timber Supply, consisting of four BC Liberal and three NDP MLA’s (Members of the Legislative Assembly), will be taking written public input (and video messages, if you are so inclined), holding public hearings in rural communities in the Cariboo-Chilcotin region, and meeting with stakeholders in Vancouver.

Local Port Alberni resident and Watershed-Forest Alliance coordinator Jane Morden (red shirt) hikes amongst some of the giant old-growth Douglas-fir trees found in the endangered Cameron Valley Firebreak.

Protect the Cameron Valley’s Endangered Forests!

Located near the town of Port Alberni, the Cameron River Valley is home to some of the most significant remnant old-growth stands left on southern Vancouver Island, where almost 90% of the productive old-growth forests have already been logged. These ancient forests in the Cameron Valley are currently threatened by Island Timberland's logging.

Call to write letters

Please take a moment to assist with each area – if you commit just 30 minutes, you could help each area listed below right now: Avatar Grove, Cortes Island, the Great Bear Rainforest, Flores Island, McLaughlin Ridge, and Mossy Maple Grove.