Our Mission

The Ancient Forest Alliance works to protect BC’s endangered old-growth forests and to ensure a sustainable, value-added, second-growth forest industry.

Latest news

Endangered Ecosystems Alliance Executive Director, Ken Wu, stands beside a giant Sitka spruce tree in an old-growth forest west of Lake Cowichan in Ditidaht territory.

The Georgia Strait: “Conservation financing is a game-changer for BC’s old-growth forests”

Read this op-ed by Endangered Ecosystems Alliance's Ken Wu discussing the new conservation financing mechanism announced by Premier David Eby and the BC NDP last week.
News Coverage

The Times Colonist: BC’s $300M old-growth fund puts First Nations ‘in the driver’s seat’

$300-million investment aims to save BC's old-growth forests by offering First Nations sustainable economic alternatives to industrial logging.
News Coverage
Endangered Ecosystems Alliance Executive Director, Ken Wu, stands beside a giant Sitka spruce tree in an old-growth forest west of Lake Cowichan in Ditidaht territory.

BC Launches Vital Conservation Financing Mechanism to Protect Old-Growth Forests and Ecosystems

Conservationists give thanks to Premier Eby for fulfilling a key commitment on the path to protecting old-growth forests in BC.
Media Release

The Canadian Press: Poor data hinders B.C. old-growth logging deferrals, advocates say

Irreplaceable ancient forests that should meet criteria for interim protection are being left open to logging in British Columbia due to outdated and inaccurate government data, advocates and an ecologist who advised the province say.
News Coverage

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Explore Our Photo Galleries

The photos you see on this website were captured by AFA Photographer, Campaigner, and Co-Founder, TJ Watt. TJ has been photographing both the beauty and destruction of BC’s old-growth forests for over a decade now and his images play a vital role in making these remote areas visually accessible for people across the globe.