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AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
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Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
Funding for Old-Growth Arrives in BC Budget, Falls Short of What’s Needed
Conservationists argue more support is necessary for First Nations communities to ensure most at-risk ancient forests can remain standing.
Municipal leaders in BC call on provincial government to commit funding for old-growth protection in Budget 2022
A letter signed by 25 municipal leaders from 14 BC communities is urging the province to follow through on its promises to protect at-risk old-growth forests, including by allocating significant funding in the upcoming provincial budget, set to be released February 22nd.
Photos: White River Provincial Park
Nicknamed “The Cathedral Grove of the North Island”, White River Provincial Park is a protected old-growth jewel on Vancouver Island.
Show your love for ancient forests this Valentine’s Day
Looking for a sustainable gift idea this Valentine’s Day? Why not show your love for ancient forests AND those close to you by dedicating a donation to the AFA in honour of a loved one.
Conservationists Applaud Tourism Industry Association of BC for Joining the Call to Protect Old-Growth Forests
Conservationists with the Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA) are celebrating that the Tourism Industry Association of BC (TIABC) has joined the call on the BC government to protect endangered old-growth forests and enable the shift to a sustainable, second-growth forest industry.
Thank you to our generous business supporters!
The AFA would like to extend a massive thank you to the following businesses, groups, and individuals for generously supporting the AFA and our campaign to protect old-growth forests
Goodbye to AFA’s Forest Campaigner, Andrea Inness.
The Ancient Forest Alliance team wishes to thank Andrea Inness, who will be departing in early February after devoting five years as a Forest Campaigner with the AFA, including three and a half years on the Executive Team.
Environmentalists, Green Party MLA, and prominent forest ecologist make holiday-themed appeal for provincial old-growth funding
Pressure on the BC provincial government to back their old-growth forest protection commitments with funding is growing with First Nations leaders, scientists, and Green Party representatives joining environmentalists to demand significant funding for old-growth protection in the 2022 provincial budget.
Photos: Spruce Bay Old Growth Trail – Port Alice
Located roughly 23 km from Port Alice along the shores of Victoria Lake and in the territory of the Quatsino First Nation, is Spruce Bay and the little-known Spruce Bay Old Growth Trail and Recreation Site.
Photos: Vernon Bay
This past summer, AFA had the privilege of exploring stunning ancient forests along the shores of Vernon Bay in Barkley Sound. Home to the Uchucklesaht and Tseshaht First Nations, TJ Watt and Ian Illuminato measured monumental redcedar trees up to 12 feet in diameter.