
Canada’s Gnarliest Tree – Save the Avatar Grove

The 50 hectare stand of lush old-growth temperate rainforest on public (Crown) lands near Port Renfrew has become a major attraction due to the ease of access to its giant, alien shaped redcedars and enormous Douglas-firs. Yet, despite requests for protection from all corners, the BC government has not stepped up to the plate to ensure that the area is spared from logging by the Surrey-based Teal-Jones Group.

Ken James of the Youbou TimberLess Society (YTS)

Film series turns eye to Youbou closure

Its goals from 10 years ago remain strong today, according to group stalwart Ken James. "With over 200 paid up members we continue to work with other groups, often behind the scenes now, to promote our ideas of sustainable, profitable, forestry that will leave a standing forest behind for future generations," he said this week.

Ban Raw Log Exports filmmakers Travis Stock

The Death Of A Sawmill

The Cowichan Citizens’ Coalition will screen the documentaries Stump To Dump, and Raw Log Exports made by Lake Cowichan Secondary School students. Discussion will involve Youbou Timberless Society members, plus Ken Wu and T.J. Watt of the Ancient Forest Alliance.


Ancient Forest Alliance’s One Year Anniversary, Organization Prepares for Province Wide Tour

Since then the non-profit environmental organization has become perhaps the fastest growing environmental group in BC, snowballing to 18,000 supporters through Facebook and by email, and garnering hundreds of news stories in the media on its campaigns.


Radio Show Raises Support and Awareness for BC’s Endangered Old-Growth Forests

Ryan Fletcher, host of the radio show Melodies in Mind (www.unconformed.com/melodies-in-mind) on CJSFJ 90.1 hosted a live radio show to support the work of the Ancient Forest Alliance.  The show featured the Zolas (https://www.myspace.com/thezolas), Wanda Roberts, Madman’s Gospel (https://www.myspace.com/madmansgospel), Peter Hiltner (https://peterhiltner.com), and Glenn Chatten (www.soaringeaglemusic.com). The Ancient Forest Alliance would like to extend a […]

Flagging tape marked "Falling Boundary" in the lower Avatar Grove when the forest was initially surveyed for logging.

Port Renfrew’s ‘Avatar Grove’ To Become Eco-Tourism Site

The Ancient Forest Alliance is planning monthly public hikes to the Grove which features 50 hectares of old growth trees, located in an area just discovered by the Alliance a year ago.

Slideshow to protect Island’s ancient forests

The Comox Valley Naturalists Society will be hosting a slideshow presentation 7-9 p.m. on Dec. 8 by Ken Wu and TJ Watt of the Ancient Forest Alliance to raise awareness of and support for the need to protect BCs endangered old growth forests. The presentation will be at the Florence Filberg Centre, 411 Anderton Ave., Courtenay. Admission is by donation.


See great speakers, have a drink, meet other supporters, and make a donation if you can! Elizabeth May, Ken Wu, TJ Watt, Adriane Carr, Jens Wieting, and other speakers... TUESDAY, NOV. 30, 2010 Ambrosia Centre, 638 Fisgard St., VICTORIA, BC 7:00-9:00pm


B.C.'s new Minister of Forests, Mines, and Lands, Pat Bell, leaves tomorrow for a trip to China to talk lumber. Not everyone though sees the potential business as good for our province. Co-founder of the Ancient Forest Alliance, Ken Wu, sees problems ahead.

Canada’s Largest Spruce Tree – The San Juan Spruce!

Seen here is the San Juan Spruce tree. It is Canada's largest spruce tree and the second largest in the world! It grows on Vancouver Island alongside the San Juan River about 35 minutes from Port Renfrew, BC. The towering tree measures 38.3' in circumference, reaches 205' tall, and has an incredible wood volume of 333 telephone poles! Despite all of this the tree and surrounding forest has not been afforded any legislated protection from the BC Liberal government. We are calling on the province to protect the area of forest, both old-growth and second growth, from the San Juan Spruce to the nearby Red Creek fir.