Ancient Forest Alliance

Canada’s Gnarliest Tree – Save the Avatar Grove

The 50 hectare stand of lush old-growth temperate rainforest on public (Crown) lands near Port Renfrew has become a major attraction due to the ease of access to its giant, alien shaped redcedars and enormous Douglas-firs. Yet, despite requests for protection from all corners, the BC government has not stepped up to the plate to ensure that the area is spared from logging by the Surrey-based Teal-Jones Group.


1) First Rate Opportunity with leaderless BC Liberal and BC NDP parties – WRITE your MLA! 2) Flores Island, perhaps the most beautiful place in Canada and the largest island in Clayoquot Sound by Tofino, is at risk of being logged. WRITE to the BC Liberal government!

Image from Ancient Forest Alliance rally for old-growth forests and forestry jobs in Vancouver

Week of Action for Ancient Forests – MLA Office Pickets This Week!

As part of a Week of Action for Ancient Forests, and the launch of the ‘100,000 Strong for Ancient Forests and BC Jobs’ campaign, Ancient Forest Committees (AFCs) around Greater Vancouver, paired with the Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA), are picketing at three Liberal MLA offices, starting at Gordon Campbell’s office tomorrow (Monday, October 4th), calling for an end to old-growth logging in southern BC and a move toward sustainable forestry and forestry jobs.

Overview map of new old-growth management areas recently created on the central and north coast of Vancouver Island.


BC Government Expands Protections to 39,000 hectares of old-growth forests on northern and central Vancouver Island, and 1600 hectares of rare Coastal Douglas Fir ecosystems

Organise a Fundraiser for the Ancient Forest Alliance

July has arrived and we are just two weeks away from our $30,000 July 31 fundraising deadline. The recent slew of highly successful community-organised benefits events has gone a long way toward our target, and it would be wonderful to maintain this level of momentum.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Organize a fundraiser for the Ancient Forest Alliance

July has arrived and we are just weeks away from our $30,000 July 31 fundraising deadline. The recent slew of highly successful community-organised benefit events has gone a long way toward our target, and it would be wonderful to maintain this level of momentum.

"Canada's gnarliest tree" grows in Avatar Grove

PROTEST/ Gift Giving Ceremony for the AVATAR GROVE and BC’s ANCIENT FORESTS at MLA Ida Chong’s Oak Bay Office!

12:00 – 12:30 PM Come to a brief petition drive, protest and gift giving ceremony at BC Liberal MLA Ida Chong's office in Oak Bay, Victoria.

Ancient Forest Alliance

Protect Haro Woods

Haro Woods is a 9 hectare urban forest in the municipality of Saanich, near the University of Victoria. In this second-growth stand of Douglas firs, western redcedars, shore pine, and arbutus trees are substantial numbers of deer, threatened red-legged frogs, raptors, and owls. It is heavily used as a recreation area by local residents, who have also been lobbying for its protection as a park for several decades.


TOMORROW Saturday, March 27 – RALLY for Ancient Forests and Forestry Jobs!

Send a message to the BC Liberal government that they need to protect our ancient forests, ensure the sustainable logging of second-growth forests, and ban raw log exports to protect forestry jobs! Vancouver, BC 12:00 NOON - Meet at Canada Place (closest Skytrain is Waterfront Station) 12:30pm - Begin march to Vancouver Art Gallery with the lively "Carnival Band". 1:00 pm - Arrive at Vancouver Art Gallery-Georgia Street side: Speeches by Judith Sayers (former Chief of the Hupacasath First Nation), Ken Wu (Ancient Forest Alliance Co-founder), Jens Wieting (Sierra Club of BC Forest Campaigner), and Stephanie Goodwin (Greenpeace)!

Ancient Forest Alliance

Please Support the Ancient Forest Alliance!

Please Support the Ancient Forest Alliance! Help the fledgling organization take the campaign to save BC’s old-growth forests and to ban raw log exports to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL! Fundraising goals: $10,000 by Earth Day, April 22 $10,000 by Summer Solstice, June 21 Donate online at: Or send a cheque made out to the […]