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AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
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Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
B.C. Auditor-General faults government for failing to protect forests
Avatar Grove, so named by environmentalists inspired by the Hollywood eco-fable Avatar, has become a tourism attraction due to its fantastically shaped western red cedars, including one tree nicknamed “Canada's Gnarliest Tree” for its massive burls.
Island version of Avatar Grove given provincial protection
Avatar Grove, a unique stand of centuries-old Douglas firs and red cedars, will be at the heart of an expanded, 59-hectare old-growth management area, Forests Minister Steve Thomson said Thursday. The decision follows a public review period, with 232 out of 236 comments favouring protection.
B.C. earns kudos for protecting Avatar Grove; slammed by auditor general on forestry
The Victoria-based Ancient Forests Alliance applauded the government's decision to protect from logging almost 60-hectares of the old-growth cedar forest near Port Renfrew, located about 110 kilometres south of Victoria on Vancouver Island.
Forest alliance welcomes government announcement to preserve Avatar Grove
The BC Government announced Thursday that a unique stand of old growth cedars known as the Avatar Grove will be entirely protected from development and logging.
Avatar Grove now protected
The unique stand of old-growth cedar near Port Renfrew is now protected in an expanded old-growth management area, totaling 59.4 hectares,
Les bûcherons ne pourront pas couper les arbres anciens de la forêt Avatar Grove
Victoria accorde à la zone Avatar Grove un statut de protection d'environ 59hectares. Le secteur abrite des cèdres rouges et des sapins de Douglas, dont certains ont plus de 500 ans, qui devaient être coupés par une compagnie forestière.
AFA supports Avatar Grove’s protection, calls for provincial old-growth plan
Today's announcement by the BC government to legally prohibit logging of the Avatar Grove by including it in 59.4 hectares of Old-Growth Management Areas was met with happiness by the Ancient Forest Alliance, the BC environmental group that found and popularized the monumental stand of valley-bottom ancient redcedars and Douglas fir near Port Renfrew two years ago.
Avatar Grove to be protected by province
Avatar Grove, a unique stand of centuries-old Douglas firs and red cedars, will be included in an expanded, 59-hectare old-growth management area, Forests Minister Steve Thomson said Thursday.
Call to write letters
Please take a moment to assist with each area – if you commit just 30 minutes, you could help each area listed below right now: Avatar Grove, Cortes Island, the Great Bear Rainforest, Flores Island, McLaughlin Ridge, and Mossy Maple Grove.
Canada’s Mossiest Rainforest
This video, created by BC's Ancient Forest Alliance, showcases the mossy beauty of Mossy Maple Grove, a forest near Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island.