Stunning Grove of Unprotected Old-Growth Trees Located near Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island – Conservationists Hope “Jurassic Grove” will become “Jurassic Park” one day!
For Immediate Release The Ancient Forest Alliance has located an impressive grove of unprotected, monumental old-growth trees which we've nicknamed the "Jurassic Grove" for now (and which one day might become the "Jurassic Park" if protected). It is only a 90 minute drive west of Victoria between Jordan River and Port Renfrew. Spanning a 3 kilometer stretch alongside a portion of the 48 kilometre Juan de Fuca Marine Trail Provincial Park, it lies mainly on Crown lands adjacent to the provincial park and its popular coastal hiking trail not far from Highway 14 in the traditional unceded territory of the Pacheedaht. While most of Jurassic Grove’s 130 hectares of old-growth is protected within a Marbled Murelet Wildlife Habitat Area that is off-limits to logging, about 40 hectares is on unprotected Crown lands. As it abuts against a popular provincial park for hiking, it would be a natural addition to the park. See our media release at: