Tree Climbers Scale Canada’s 2nd Largest Douglas-Fir
Many of us have climbed a tree or two in our lives, but how many of us can say that tree was as tall as an 18-storey building?
A group of professional tree climbers scaled Canada's second-largest Douglas-fir — fondly referred to as Big Lonely Doug — and there are some amazing photos to prove it.
Climbers from Arboreal Collective partnered with Ancient Forest Alliance, a B.C.-based conservation organization that discovered Big Lonely Doug, to complete the ascension of the tree near Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island.
“We hope that our work to help highlight, research, and document the biggest trees and grandest groves in British Columbia will aid in their legal protection,” Matthew Beatty, spokesman for Arboreal Collective, said in a press release.
“Colossal trees like Big Lonely Doug are like the ‘redwoods of Canada’ that inspire awe in people around the world due to their unbelievable size and age. B.C.’s endangered old-growth forests urgently need protection before they become giant stumps and tree plantations.”
The tree stands 70.2 metres high and has a diameter that is almost as long as a mid-sized car, according to the B.C. Big Tree Registry. Big Lonely Doug is estimated to be as much as 1,000 years old.
View gallery and read more at: https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/06/06/tree-climbers-big-lonely-doug-photos_n_5461824.html