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Authorized by Ancient Forest Alliance, registered sponsor under the Election Act, 250-896-4007.
AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
Copyright © 2025 Ancient Forest Alliance • All Rights Reserved
Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
Historic Leap for Old-Growth Forests – BC Chamber of Commerce Passes Resolution for Expanded Protection
The BC Chamber of Commerce passed a resolution at its annual general meeting in Kelowna yesterday calling on the provincial government to increase protection for the province’s old-growth forests. The resolution calls on the province to: “Support the increased protection of old-growth forests in areas of the province where they have or can likely have a greater net economic value for communities if they are left standing for the next generation and beyond.”
Protecting Old-Growth Rainforests to the Economic Benefit of Tourism-Based Communities
Today, May 30, 2016, the BC Chamber of Commerce membership at their Annual General Meeting almost unanimously passed the following resolution calling on the provincial government to expand the protection of old-growth forests across the province where they have or would likely have greater economic value if left standing (this is true throughout most of the southern half of the province...):
‘Insane Damage’: Activist Accuses Logger of Breaking Disclosure Law
The East Creek Rainforest near the Brooks Peninsula on NW Vancouver Island, until recent years was one of the most intact old-growth valleys left on the southern coast until LeMare and Lionsgate logging began clearcutting huge sections of its ancient forests. This is an ecological travesty.
Save the Walbran Tour Victoria
Have fun while supporting the protection of the endangered Walbran Valley this Friday, May 27th at the White Eagle Hall in James Bay as part of the Save the Walbran Tour! There will be great local musicians as well as information booths to learn more about how you can help out! Tickets $20 at Lyle's Place. The tour is being hosted by local organizers in conjunction with several non-profits and community initiatives. For more info see:.
ELF sets up new protest camp, wins backing from Sierra Club
The Elphinstone Logging Focus is working to stop a BC Timber Sales (a BC government-directed logging cutblock) cutblock in the biologically rich mature forests on the slopes of Mount Elphinstone near Gibsons: You can see their website here:
Photo Gallery: Avatar Grove Boardwalk 2016 – New Entrance to Lower Grove
Over the May long weekend, a group of core boardwalk volunteers got together to complete a beautiful new entrance to the Lower Avatar Grove. This included a 10ft wide viewing platform with an incredible view overlooking the old-growth forest as well as a safe and long-lasting set of stairs leading off the road. Support the Ancient Forest Alliance boardwalk as we close in on the home stretch this summer!
The WestShore Chamber of Commerce Supports Port Renfrew’s Call for the Protection of the Central Walbran Valley’s Old-Growth Forest
Conservationists are delighted that the WestShore Chamber of Commerce, representing almost 400 businesses in the western suburbs of Victoria has issued a letter in support of the Port Renfrew Chamber of Commerce’s request to the province of British Columbia that it protect the Central Walbran Valley from old-growth logging.
Thank You to our Supporters for April’s Benefit Events!
THANK YOU for the many events organized for Earth Day and throughout April that supported the AFA in raising funds and awareness!
WestShore Chamber of Commerce joins call for protection of Central Walbran Valley
Great News! The WestShore Chamber of Commerce representing almost 400 businesses in the western communites of Victoria in Langford, Colwood, Metchosin, View Royal, and Highlands, has joined the Port Renfrew and Sooke Chambers of Commerce calling on the provincial government to protect the old-growth forests of the endangered Central Walbran Valley for tourism. See their letter here:
‘Tree Huggers’ Documentary
Here's a new documentary by Capilano College film student Jordie Yeager, with the help of her fellow students, on the battle for Vancouver Island's old-growth forests, with a focus on the endangered Central Walbran Valley! See here: