Photo Gallery: Massive Trees Cut Down on Vancouver Island

In April 2020, Ancient Forest Alliance campaigner and photographer TJ Watt explored and documented old-growth logging totalling over 70 hectares along Haddon Creek in Ditidaht Territory and found monumental redcedar trees over 11 feet in diameter cut down. Some of these trees had previously been photographed by him while still standing. Without question, this is […]

Photo Gallery: Exploring & Climbing Ancient Giants at Eden Grove

While further exploring Eden Grove in Pacheedaht territory earlier this year, the AFA’s TJ Watt located another epic stand of ancient giants!

New Photo Gallery: Tahsis – Endangered Old-Growth

See our latest photo gallery featuring an incredible-yet-endangered stand of old-growth Douglas-fir trees growing on the hillside above Tahsis on the west coast of Vancouver Island, BC.

Directions to Avatar Grove and the big trees.

Avatar Grove with BC KAIROS Rolling Justice Bus

The AFA's TJ Watt and forest ecologist Andy MacKinnon joined the BC KAIROS Rolling Justice Bus at Avatar Grove on day one of a four day tour to explore Vancouver Island's most spectacular ancient forests!

Photos: 35-Year Anniversary of the Meares Island Tribal Park.

Here are photos from the April 17th event celebrating the 35-year anniversary of the Meares Island Tribal Park, Wah’nah’juss Hilth’hooiss! In April of 1984, the Tla-o-qui-aht and Ahousaht First Nations and local environmentalists came together in an historic show of solidarity to protest the logging of some of Canada’s finest ancient forests by MacMillan Bloedel […]

Photo Gallery: Old-Growth Logging on Edinburgh Mt. Near Port Renfrew

New logging has commenced on Edinburgh Mountain, an exceptional old-growth forest “hotspot” near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory on  Vancouver Island and the location of Big Lonely Doug (Canada’s second largest Douglas-fir tree) and the spectacular Eden Grove.

Unprotected Castle Grove - Central Walbran Valley

Policy Recommendations for Old-Growth Forest Protection, support for First Nations, and Sustainable Forestry Jobs in BC

Policy Recommendations for Old-Growth Forest Protection, support for First Nations, and Sustainable Forestry Jobs in BC Background British Columbia's old-growth forests are an iconic part of the province’s identity and are home to the largest trees on Earth, surpassed only by the US redwoods in grandeur. A century of industrialized logging has resulted in over […]

AFA Executive Director

AFA’s Ken Wu Interviewed on CBC’s BC Almanac During 2017 Forest Stewardship Council General Assembly in Vancouver

The AFA's Ken Wu was recently interviewed by Gloria Macarenko on CBC's BC Almanac, along with the Forest Stewardship Council's Francois Dufresne, about responsible forest management and the urgent need for the new NDP government to reform BC's forest policies. 

Ralliers hold a large sign reading "Ban Raw Log Exports" in Port Alberni

Photo Gallery: Timber Workers/ Environmentalists Rally in Port Alberni

On Friday, July 22, forestry workers from various sawmills and pulpmills from two major unions, the PPWC (Pulp, Paper, and Woodworkers of Canada) and Unifor, were joined by community members, politicians,first nations, and environmentalists in Port Alberni in a rally for sustainable forest policy in BC.

Photo Gallery: Cameron Valley Ancient Forest with the Vancouver Sun

Last week Vancouver Sun's columnist Stephen Hume came with us to see the endangered Cameron Valley Ancient Forest (ie. "Firebreak"), a truly spectacular lowland stand of densely-packed, monumental old-growth Douglas-firs akin to a "second Cathedral Grove". This grove stands out as among the finest remaining old-growth Douglas-firs anywhere left on the planet and is of international conservation significance. See the photo album at: