PHOTO GALLERY: Central Walbran Ancient Forest – Block 4403

Here are some fantastic images from part of the endangered Central Walbran Ancient Forest shot in early July by AFA's TJ Watt. The pictures were taken in the '4403' cutblock proposed by Teal-Jones (see map in gallery) just a few hundred metres from where people camp. This section of forest contains some absolutely incredible old-growth redcedar trees as well as some sensitive limestone karst features. Volunteers from the Friends of Carmanah Walbran have flagged a Witness Route into this area marked with yellow flagging tape making it easier to access now. Please take 30 seconds to send a letter to the BC government asking them to protect the endangered Central Walbran and Edinburgh Mt Ancient Forests here:  Thank you!! PHOTOGALLERY at:

Ancient Forest Alliance's (AFA) Jackie Korn stands amongst incredible old-growth redcedar trees in proposed cutblock 4412 in the Central Walbran Ancient Forest.

PHOTO GALLERY: Central Walbran & Edinburgh Mountain Ancient Forest

Surrey-based forestry company, the Teal-Jones Group, is aggressively moving forward with plans to log and build roads into Canada’s two most magnificent old-growth forests, the Central Walbran Ancient Forest (about 500 hectares) and the Edinburgh Mountain Ancient Forest (about 1500 hectares) on southern Vancouver Island. The company is planning eight new cutblocks (clearcuts) and a new road in the Central Walbran, and two new cutblocks and a new road on Edinburgh Mountain. The Walbran Valley is home to perhaps Canada’s finest stand of old-growth redcedars, the Castle Grove, while Edinburgh Mountain is where “Big Lonely Doug” (discovered last year by Ancient Forest Alliance activists to be Canada’s 2nd largest Douglas-fir tree – alas, completely surrounded by a 2012 clearcut) still stands and where the threatened "Christy Clark Grove" (ie. Lower Edinburgh Grove) is located in the Gordon River Valley. Here are some photos and maps by the AFA's TJ Watt, from a recent July 2015 visit to these areas:

2014 Avatar Grove Boardwalk Progress and Photo Galleries

The Ancient Forest Alliance has nearly completed the preliminary phase of boardwalk construction at the Avatar Grove in essential areas such as the steep and slippery slopes, the roots around the biggest trees, and over creeks and other obstacles. More upgrades can still be done in the future but the toughest parts are almost compete. A big thanks goes out to our volunteers and donors! Fundraising for the boardwalk project will continue as we still have more work to complete in the new year.

New PHOTO GALLERIES of Avatar Grove Boardwalk progress in 2014

The Ancient Forest Alliance and teams of dedicated volunteers have made some signigicant progress on the construction of the boardwalk at Avatar Grove this summer. 

PHOTO GALLERY: Kwakiutl First Nation Protest Island Timberlands Logging

A week ago, Ancient Forest Alliance campaigners Ken Wu, TJ Watt, and Hannah Carpendale were in Port Hardy on northern Vancouver Island, where the Kwakiutl First Nation Band is currently protesting Island Timberlands' logging operations near their reserve. They invited us to meet community members, document the logging and protest, and support their efforts. 

The magical Fairholm Maple - possibly the biggest maple tree in the world!

PHOTO GALLERY: Olympic National Park Trip 2013

We just got back from a trip to the astoundingly majestic and mossy temperate rainforests of the Olympic National Park in Washington state, where the Ancient Forest Alliance's photographer, TJ Watt, has taken hundreds of phenomenal photos!

A collage of images featuring various sections of the Avatar Grove boardwalk completed over the May Long Weekend.

PHOTO GALLERY: Avatar Grove Boardwalk Construction Begins

See GREAT PHOTOS of the initial phase of the boardwalk's construction. It has begun! Over the May Long Weekend, construction began on the initial phase of the Avatar Grove Boardwalk! As thousands of visitors continue to flock to see the Avatar Grove, the boardwalk is needed to protect its ecological integrity, ensure visitor safety, and help promote eco-tourism for the Pacheedaht First Nations and the town of Port Renfrew to see the economic benefits of keeping one of the last old-growth forests in their region standing.

AFA photographer TJ Watt stands beside two large old-growth Douglas-fir trees in the Children's Forest along James Creek on Cortes Island.

NEW PHOTO GALLERY featuring Cortes Island’s endangered forests!

See new photos by AFA's TJ Watt from the Squirrel Cove Ancient Forest in the headwaters of Basil Creek and from the Children's Forest along James Creek, both areas of which are slated to be logged by Island Timberlands.