Photo Gallery: Avatar Grove Boardwalk 2016 – New Entrance to Lower Grove
Over the May long weekend, a group of core boardwalk volunteers got together to complete a beautiful new entrance to the Lower Avatar Grove. This includes a 10ft wide viewing platform with an incredible view overlooking the old-growth forest as well as a safe and long-lasting set of stairs leading off the road to replace the old ones. It was a lot of hard work to say the least!
See the photo gallery here: https://bit.ly/1ViQ2aM
A huge thanks goes out to Scott Harris for engineering the design, Matthew Varley for leading much of the build and custom fabricating the key metal supports, Ron Krachenfels for adding his knowledge, labour, and expertise, Matt Johnson and Jeremy David for their hard work, and boardwalk coordinator TJ Watt for organizing and helping build as well.
We're on the home stretch now of boardwalk construction and aim to complete the project this summer, which will include a launch ceremony in the coming months! To donate towards the project and help us finish, please visit: https://ancientforestalliance.org/avatar-grove-boardwalk-now-completed-and-open/ ($100 sponsors 1 meter of boardwalk). The boardwalk is neccessary to protect the grove's ecological integrity and enhance visitor access and safety. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported the project so far!! We couldn't have done it without you. Photos: TJ Watt