Local Port Alberni activist Jane Morden stands beside the McLaughlin Giant - an old-growth Douglas-fir measuring 23.5ft in circumference / 7.5ft in diameter.

Chainsaw buzz stirs up once-protected old growth

Environmentalists want the province to buy a tract of previously protected oldgrowth forest near Port Alberni that is now being logged by Island Timberlands. McLaughlin Ridge was classified as critical habitat for wintering deer and endangered Queen Charlotte goshawks until 2004, when the province allowed it to be removed from a tree farm licence  

Columbia Blacktail Deer

Critics insist logging harms wildlife

In 2004, the B.C. government removed 88,000 hectares of land now owned by Island Timberlands from their Tree Farm Licenses.  Critics say this removed most of the environmental protections formerly acknowledged on those lands.

Ken Wu of the Ancient Forest Alliance stops to look at Canada's Gnarliest tree in the Avatar Old Growth Forest near Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island

Welcome to Avatar forest in B.C.

PORT RENFREW, B.C.—Pink ribbons knotted to tree branches at the side of a gravel logging road mark the entry to an amazing earthly experience, something so different from anything most people have experienced it might be on another world.

AFA's Ken Wu stands beside a giant Arbutus tree on unused DND lands along Ocean Boulevard near Fort Rodd National Historic Park

Conservationists fearful of DND land sale

DND, which controls more than 4,000 hectares of land around Greater Victoria, is looking at selling surplus land. The Ancient Forest Alliance has called on the federal government to create protected areas or turn parcels over to agencies which can protect ecosystems.

CTV News – Endangered DND Lands Need Protection

Ancient Forest Alliance worries about potential sell-off of unused DND lands for real estate development and calls for federal government to let Canadian Wildlife Service, Parks Canada, the provinces, regional districts, and First Nations protect unused DND lands.

AFA's Ken Wu and Joan Varley stand beside a giant old-growth Douglas-fir on unused DND lands along Ocean Boulevard in Colwood

Conservationists Call for the Protection of Endangered Ecosystems on Department of National Defence Lands

The potential sell-off of Department of National Defence (DND) lands reported by the Ottawa Citizen and the Canadian media recently is causing concern for conservationists who fear some of Canada’s most endangered ecosystems could be jeopardized by real estate development.   

Ancient forests in B.C. – Canadian Geographic Blog

On the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, just 15 minutes north of the historic logging town of Port Renfrew, an ancient old-growth forest named Avatar Grove gives visitors a glimpse of how the island’s trees may have looked 1,000 years ago.

Ken Wu of the Ancient Forest Alliance stops to look at Canada's Gnarliest tree in the Avatar Old Growth Forest near Port Renfrew on Vancouver Island

Big trees boost tourism in West Coast town

Pink ribbons knotted to tree branches at the side of a gravel logging road mark the entry to an amazing earthly experience, something so different from anything most people have experienced it might be on another world. 

Move by Liberals to amend Forest Act draws criticism

The provincial government has introduced legislation to allow woodlot owners the right to remove their lands from forest management requirements and sell them while retaining their tenure on Crown lands, similar to a controversial move four years ago that allowed large forest companies the same right on Vancouver Island.

CTV News – Ancient Forest Alliance wins Benefit Brew contest

CTV News video of the Ancient Forest Alliance's win in the Phillips Beer "Benefit Brew" contest. The AFA will receive the sales proceeds from a custom, microbrewed beer called the "Ancient Brown Ale".