Old-growth clearcut near the Avatar Grove in the Gordon River Valley.

Saving ‘Avatar Grove’: the battle to preserve old-growth forests in British Columbia

A picture is worth a thousand words: this common adage comes instantly to mind when viewing T.J. Watt's unforgettable photos of lost trees. For years, Watt has been photographing the beauty of Vancouver Island's ancient temperate rainforests, and documenting their loss to clearcut logging.

Avatar Grove

Big trees by the numbers

Vancouver Island is home to some of the largest trees on the planet. From the well-known towering giants of Cathedral Grove to those newly discovered near Port Renfrew, ancient forests have been wowing visitors to Canada’s West Coast for centuries.

Elk are among the wildlife you will find among the towering trees in Avatar Grove.

‘Big trees’ of Avatar Grove are pure magic

There are some places so precious that just standing there makes you proud to be a Canadian. Avatar Grove is one of those.  

Old-growth logs head out of the the Gordon River Valley near Lake Cowichan on Vancouver Island

B.C. warned not to touch reserves for short-term supply

To access more timber, the B.C. government is floating a plan that includes logging in areas that were previously off limits for environmental or "visual quality objectives" and changing the boundaries of forest districts to add timber to one district at the expense of another.

Province to ease logging restrictions in Fraser region

The B.C. government plans to relax logging restrictions on about 9,500 hectares of Crown land, including the well-loved getaway of Harrison Lake.

Leave Old Growth Alone Says Union

A major forest sector union is coming out against proposals from the British Columbia government that could see protected areas opened to logging.

A large group of visitors walk through the Lower Avatar Grove. A boardwalk will help protect the Grove's ecological integrity

Avatar Grove’s popularity creates need for trail

The Ancient Forest Alliance, which brought Avatar Grove into the public eye and lobbied for its protection, has asked the Forests Ministry for permission to build a trail and boardwalk. "We want to improve accessibility and it's vital to protect the ecology and make sure the tree roots don't get worn down," said TJ Watt, the Alliance campaigner who discovered the grove.

Canada's Gnarliest Tree in Avatar Grove

It’s a land of giants in Port Renfrew’s ancient Avatar Grove

“Those candelabra tops are a sign of ancient red cedars,” explains T J Watt, cofounder of the Ancient Forest Alliance, a nonprofit organization that seeks to protect old-growth forests and ensure sustainable forestry jobs in B.C. “When I first saw those tops, I knew instantly we’d found a treasure trove of big trees.”

Avatar Grove on the Pacific Marine Circle Route is home to ancient fir

Vancouver Island circle route: Drink in the wine, the scenery, the air

There is air, there is fresh air, and then there is the brisk, briny, oxygen-thick air that rides in on wild ocean waves. That's the air you'll breathe when you round the tip of southern Vancouver Island and follow the Pacific Marine Circle Route. This 158-mile scenic drive begins in Victoria, hugs the western coastline to Port Renfrew, then travels across the island to Cowichan Bay before returning to B.C.'s capital.

Avatar Grove

The Week, May 17

Forest lovers take note: your explorations into B.C.’s wilderness could be easier than ever before, at least if those summer adventures take you to Avatar Grove. Now, a new boardwalk may guide your way.