Cortes Island citizens prepare for logging protests

Lanky, clean cut Cec Robinson is pretty sure the RCMP has been following him on Cortes Island. What danger does this quiet oyster farmer and family man pose? He intends to defend his island from industrial logging by Island Timberlands because he thinks it is the right thing to do for his community and for the planet

Will logging of ancient forest be halted before it can begin?

Residents of Cortes Island have formed a blockade to stop the BC based timber company, Island Timberlands (I.T.), from beginning logging operations in one of BC’s last stands of old growth coastal Douglas-fir forest. For over four years, community members have attempted to work with the company to develop an ecosystem-based approach to forestry. As road-building equipment moves in, the community is now left with no choice but to stand in it’s path to defend these ecologically significant forests.

The scarred landscape of an Island Timberlands clearcut along the McLaughlin Ridge from Oct. 2011. Approximately 400 hectares of the original 500 HA of old-growth remains along the ridges' core.

Alberni groups protest McLaughlin logging

More than 80 people gathered at Echo Centre Monday for a meeting hosted by the Watershed-Forest Alliance in its quest to protect an old-growth forest at McLaughlin Ridge and in the China Creek Watershed. Alberni-Pacific Rim MLA Scott Fraser and retired government scientist Doug Janz were guest speakers at the event. The pair were resolute: that the forest range needs to be protected with enhanced regulations.

Sing Tao Daily

卑詩省古樹聯盟(Ancient Forest Alliance)20個支持者,周六下午1時在省長簡蕙芝(Christy Clark)於溫西格雷岬(Point Grey)選區辦公室外示威,要求省府成立一個卑詩古老森林保護計劃,阻止砍伐溫哥華島及低陸平原等地區的珍貴古樹。王露攝

A UBC student campaign wants to help you kick your paper-towel habit

Sam is giving out free handkerchiefs at UBC, hoping that anyone who takes one will use the hanky, rather than a paper towel, to dry their hands after they use the washroom.

Manage forests for the future

As it looks for ways to shore up the province's timber industry, the B.C. government is in danger of not seeing the forest for the trees. Is it possible to have a healthy forest and still harvest timber? Of course - not only is it possible, it's essential. Using up the timber supply faster than it can be replenished means the end of the forest, the killing of the goose that lays the golden egg. No forests, no lumber industry, no jobs.

Vancouver’s East Side Games join cause to protect bald eagle habitat

East Side Games CEO Jason Bailey announced Wednesday that the company has given a “significant” cash donation and will provide online social media support for the Ancient Forest Alliance (AFA).

Echo Lake, BC

Video-game firm joins effort to protect bald eagle habitat

East Side Games announced its support for the Ancient Forest Alliance initiative during a news conference Wednesday. Jason Bailey, the video-game company’s chief executive officer, said he is writing a “significant” cheque to the environmental group. But he said the company’s contribution won’t stop there.

Echo Lake and the surrounding ancient forests.

Vancouver Tech Company throws its Weight behind Saving BC’s Old-Growth Forests and Bald Eagle Habitat

East Side Games and its over one million Facebook fans weigh-in to support the Ancient Forest Alliance’s campaign to protect Echo Lake, a rare, lowland old-growth forest near Mission and the world’s largest eagle night roosting site, and to protect ancient forests across BC – challenges other BC tech companies to do the same The campaign to protect British Columbia’s endangered old-growth forests has gained a unique and powerful new supporter: East Side Games is an independent, Vancouver-based tech company that specializes in developing online games for social media and mobile platforms and that has over one million Facebook fans around the world. It is the largest social and mobile game developer in Vancouver.

AFA's Hannah Carpendale nestled in a gnarly old-growth red cedar tree in the Echo Lake Ancient Forest.

Group aims to protect eagles’ night roost

But now an environmental group, the Ancient Forest Alliance, and a landowner who has property adjacent to the roosting trees are working together to publicize the area, in the hopes of saving it from logging.