B.C.’s Big Trees Are Now Tracked In UBC’s Online Database (PHOTOS)

The Huffington Post has included a photo gallery of over 50 big tree images from AFA's TJ Watt in their article on the BC Big Tree Registry re-launch!  

Help needed to ID monster trees

"The idea is that if we know where British Columbia’s largest trees are, they can be protected and studied, according to UBC forests and conservation prof. Sally Aitken.  “Those big trees really represents a biological legacy from the past. We want to maintain that legacy,” she said."

BC.’s biggest trees can now be found online

“We think the biggest ones haven’t been found yet,” explained Sally Aitken, a UBC professor of forest and conservation sciences.  “If we want to conserve them, we have to find them and identify them,” she said Thursday. What makes big trees so special is that they are living legacies of ancient forests, Aitken said. The oldest have been standing for up to 1,800 years, she said."

Big trees bring out our inner tree hugger

See this article about the BC Big Tree Registry and BC’s biggest trees including Big Lonely Doug, who has now been officially accepted!

UBC to track B.C.’s largest trees: re-launches database

"UBC has re-launched their big tree database, cataloging the biggest trees in B.C. The registry has been revamped and is now available online to the general public. Users can search for big trees near their homes using interactive maps. With the new database, anyone can nominate a big tree for verification by a tree expert."

OPINION: Torrance Coste: No right time to create more tree-farm licences

  Have you ever had a friend who just won’t listen when everyone is telling them to get out of an unhealthy relationship? That’s what comes to mind when I think of the B.C. government’s relationship with tree-farm licences. No matter how many British Columbians speak out to say they’re a bad idea, every year […]

B.C. First Nation is set to declare a vast chunk of the Chilcotin as a tribal park

"A B.C. First Nation is set to declare a vast chunk of the Chilcotin as a tribal park, including the site of the controversial proposed New Prosperity mine at Fish Lake. A formal ceremony unveiling Dasiqox Tribal Park is set for Oct. 4, less than four months after a landmark Supreme Court of Canada ruling found that the Tsilhqot’in people have title to 1,750 square kilometres of land west of Williams Lake."

Mossy maple grove

Here's an article on the Mossy Maple Grove near Lake Cowichan in British Columbia Magazine, featuring a photo from the AFA’s TJ Watt!

SRD buys valuable piece of real estate

Congratulations to the Cortes Island forest activists who finally got the Whaletown Commons protected, with major help from the Strathcona Regional District. The Whaletown Commons was a forest long under contention, owned by Island Timberlands, that is highly valued by the community and includes veteran old-growth Douglas-firs and cedars scattered throughout, riparian ecosystems, and areas used for children's environmental education.

Logging McLaughlin Ridge: Watershed advocates say logging threatens city’s water source

Great news! The Port Alberni municipal council has unanimously passed a resolution supporting the statement for Island Timberlands to cease and desist from logging McLaughlin Ridge, an ancient forest near Port Alberni in the city's drinking watershed, and for the BC government to ensure its protection. Thanks to our allies at the Port Alberni Watershed-Forest Alliance for getting the resolution passed!