Audio Recording of the Threatened Marbled Murrelet, an Old-Growth Dependent Seabird, taken in the Endangered Central Walbran Valley
Hear the two new audio recordings of several Marbled Murrelets in the Walbran Valley, which have been verified as authentic by a murrelet biologist (note there are multiple bird calls in the recordings, with the Marbled Murrelets’ calls figuring prominently in the mix). Download: https://www.
dropbox.com/sh/ 1mruh32i4wbx9n5/ AADrpF1r15osRClMtpSl4FyXa?dl=0
Listen to an example of the Marbled Murrelets’ calls from a birders’ website: https://www.
allaboutbirds.org/guide/ Marbled_Murrelet/sounds