Photos: Eldred River Valley
Located in Tla’amin First Nation territory, outside the town of Powell River, the Eldred Valley is legendary among rock climbers for its towering granite peaks while also supporting some of the last vestiges of old-growth forest in the region. These magnificent groves are home to monumental western redcedars and Douglas-firs, and provide critical habitat for wildlife in the valley.
Most recently, the BC government has identified a number of at-risk ancient groves in the Eldred Valley for potential logging deferrals, including some of the forest pictured here. Significant funding for First Nations is now urgently needed to make these deferrals possible.
Photo Gallery: https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos-media/eldred-river-valley/https://ancientforestalliance.org/photos-media/eldred-river-valley/
Send a (NEW!) instant message to the BC government to demand funding for conservation solutions here: https://ancientforestalliance.org/funding-send-a-message/