Check out Canada’s second largest Douglas-fir tree (photos)
That's one big tree.
Dubbed “Big Lonely Doug”, this Douglas-fir is the second largest tree of its species (Pseudotsuga menziesii) in Canada.
Forest ecologist Andy MacKinnon, who runs the B.C. Big Tree Registry, made it official last week, when he measured the thing.
Here's the stats:
Height: 70.2 metres or 230 feet
Circumference: 11.91 metres or 39 feet
Diameter: 3.91 metres or 12.4 feet
Canopy spread: 18.33 metres or 60.1 feet
Big Lonely Doug, found in the Gordon River valley on southern Vancouver Island, is estimated to be 1,000 years old.
The Ancient Forest Alliance, which sent out the photos, is calling for provincial legislation to protect big trees like this.
Read more: https://www.straight.com/blogra/633296/check-out-canadas-second-largest-douglas-fir-tree-photos