VIDEO: Cathedral Grove under threat?
Here’s Global TV on the Cathedral Grove controversy. Take note that only 1% of old-growth Coastal Douglas-fir trees remain in all ecosystem types across the coast (ie. they are not only scarce in the “Coastal Douglas Fir” biogeoclimatic zone which Island Timberlands seems to imply, but in the Dry Maritime subzone of the Coastal Western Hemlock zone where Cathedral Grove lies and other forest types…) and that the planned designation as Ungulate Winter Range for black-tailed deer in the areas now being logged or roaded by Island Timberlands was supposed to be followed up by legislation but the lands were removed from the TFL – and the company and BC government failed to follow through on an agreement to ensure these areas’ protection.
Direct link to video: https://globalnews.ca/news/7667531/fairy-creek-blockade-old-growth/