Protect old grove before it’s too late

The provincial government should not let the mostly undisturbed grove in the Gordon River Valley, nicknamed Avatar Grove, be logged. It is a gem of an ecosystem and with so little of our old-growth forests left, it is not something we can afford to lose. With its proximity to Port Renfrew, it will be very beneficial for bringing in tourists, which will support local economies.

Old-growth forests could bring tourists

Becoming a field of giant stumps continues to be the fate of many of our last stands of giant trees in southern B.C. and shows a lack of understanding of what draws many people to the best place on Earth.

James Cameron: Fox didn’t want Avatar’s ‘treehugging crap’

Filmmaker James Cameron has spoken before about how his Avatar is a cautionary environmental tale. In a MTV interview this week, he says Fox wanted to remove its "treehugging crap," but environmentalists now want to create a curriculum based on it.

Ancient Forest Alliance – Launch Event!

Enough is Enough! Saving our Last Ancient Forests and Ending Raw Log Exports - Find out about the new organization and its campaign!