ROOT Victoria (April 9-10)

Saturday & Sunday, April 9-10, 10am-5pm Goward House, 2495 Arbutus Rd (see MAP) Join in this weekend gathering of workshops and presentations, organized by Root Victoria, aimed at cultivating a deeper connection to self, nature, and community. Come for numerous presentations and workshops, including a presentation by the AFA’s TJ Watt on Saturday at 10am-10:30am and visit the AFA’s table throughout the weekend. For more details, see and on Facebook HERE Admission $10, with 50% of proceeds to support the Ancient Forest Alliance.

VICTORIA: Creatively United for the Planet (April 16 – Sustainability Showcase)

Saturday, April 16th, 10am-5pm Royal Bay Secondary School (see MAP) Admission $10 (16 and under free) *this is for the festival’s Sustainability Showcase - other festival events on April 15, 22 & 23 – see HERE for details As we approach Earth Day, come for various booths, displays, and presentations, including a slideshow by the AFA’s Ken Wu and TJ Watt on the status and ecology of BC's old-growth forests, from 2-3 pm on Saturday April 16th, as part of the Creatively United for the Planet festival’s Sustainability Showcase. And visit our table at the showcase (same day & place) from 10am-5pm. Details at:

VICTORIA: All Beings Confluence (April 20–28)

April 20-28 (ongoing) Cadboro Bay United Church (2625 Arbutus Rd, Victoria - see MAP) Free/by donation All Beings Confluence, hosted by the Cadboro Bay United Church in Victoria, is an expanding fabric art installation created by many individuals from multiple communities and local organizations. This project uses community art, collaborative practices and a belief in the creative process to explore the idea that all life is interconnected and each “living being” plays a vital role in sustaining the web of life. The event will also help to raise awareness and support for the Ancient Forest Alliance, the Victoria Immigrant and Refugee Society (VIRCS), and The Learning Curve. See details and invite others on Facebook HERE

VANCOUVER: Big Tree Weekend (April 2-3)

Hey Lower Mainland friends be sure to come out to the Big Tree Weekend from April 2-3 hosted by the Stanley Park Ecology Society (the AFA will be doing an old-growth ecology walk during the Saturday morning slot) and see some of the largest trees in BC right in the heart of Vancouver's finest park! See DETAILS and get TICKETS here:

Federation of BC Naturalists (BC Nature) join call to protect Central Walbran Valley

Thanks to the Federation of BC Naturalists (BC Nature), who have joined multiple Chambers of Commerce and municipal councils calling for the protection of the endangered Central Walbran Valley. The federation consists of 53 naturalist clubs representing 6000 members in British Columbia, including biologists, ecologists, and various natural history enthusiasts. The federation has sent a letter of support for the Cowichan Valley Naturalists in their call to the province requesting protection of the Central Walbran Ancient Forest. The 500 hectare Central Walbran Valley is threatened with potential logging by Teal-Jones, and is the most intact part of a 2600 hectare Special Management Zone. The Ancient Forest Alliance is working with diverse partners calling for the region's protection, along with legislation to protect endangered old-growth forests across BC and new policies to ensure a sustainable, value-added second-growth forest industry.  See the Federation of BC Naturalists (BC Nature) online at:


THANK YOU to our 2015 Business, Artist & Organization Supporters!

THANK YOU to all local and sustainable businesses, artists and organizations that have supported the AFA through fundraisers or direct donations in 2015! For an overview of these supporters and the many creative and generous ways that they have bolstered the AFA's work this past year, see here. Find out more about supporting the AFA as a business or organization at our Business & Organization Support page. See our FULL LIST of businesses, artists and organizations that have supported the AFA since 2010!

‘The Ecology and Status of the Central Walbran Ancient Forest’ by the AFA’s Ken Wu and TJ Watt

When: Thursday, Jan. 14, 2016, 7:00 pm Where: The HUB, 2375 Koksilah Road, Cowichan Station (south of Duncan) Learn about the old-growth forest ecology, wildlife, relevant policies, and conservation status of the Central Walbran Valley's old-growth forests in the context of southern Vancouver Island. Discussion to follow. Find out what you can do to help protect the area's ecology and to ensure sustainable second-growth forestry jobs Free. Donations appreciated to cover hall rental. Questions:

Children’s Educational Forest on Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands) Threatened by TimberWest Forest Corp’s Logging Plans

Here is a media release and action alert from the Mount Moresby Adventure Camp on Haida Gwaii, where a forest that is central as a learning centre for the children and youth of Haida Gwaii is threatened by planned logging by TimberWest (whose managing agent for their Forestry Licence there is Teal-Jones).

NEW! 2016 Ancient Forest CALENDARS & Cards, Posters, Stickers, Certificates, and other Merchandise!

Make the Ancient Forest Alliance your Holiday-Giving Priority by picking up some of our beautiful AFA merchandise and/or donating! • To order products online visit: • To donate visit: We’re proud to present the Ancient Forest Alliance’s 2016 CALENDAR! It features many of the special places on British Columbia’s coast that we’ve explored as we work to secure provincial legislation to protect our endangered old-growth forests and forestry jobs. It includes beautiful photos of Avatar Grove, Big Lonely Doug, Central Walbran Valley, Nootka Island, Cameron Valley, Mossy Maples, wildlife, and more! See here for a full list of items and details on how to purchase/donate!

**AFA Office Holiday Closure**

The AFA office space in Victoria (Central Building, 620 View St, 3rd floor #306, inside the Volunteer Victoria office) will be closed at 4pm on Dec 23rd and from Dec 24th-Jan 4th. The office will re-open on Jan 5th with the regular office hours of Tues & Thurs, 11am-5pm.