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Authorized by Ancient Forest Alliance, registered sponsor under the Election Act, 250-896-4007.
AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
Copyright © 2025 Ancient Forest Alliance • All Rights Reserved
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Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
Canada’s Two Grandest Old-Growth Forests Under Logging Threat by the Teal-Jones Group!
Port Renfrew – Surrey-based forestry company, the Teal-Jones Group, is aggressively moving forward with plans to log and build roads into Canada’s two most magnificent old-growth forests, the Central Walbran Ancient Forest (about 500 hectares) and the Edinburgh Mountain Ancient Forest (about 1500 hectares) on southern Vancouver Island. The company is planning eight new cutblocks (clearcuts) and a new road in the Central Walbran, and two new cutblocks and a new road on Edinburgh Mountain. The Walbran Valley is home to perhaps Canada’s finest stand of old-growth redcedars, the Castle Grove, while Edinburgh Mountain is where “Big Lonely Doug” (discovered last year by Ancient Forest Alliance activists to be Canada’s 2nd largest Douglas-fir tree – alas, completely surrounded by a 2012 clearcut) still stands and where the threatened "Christy Clark Grove" (ie. Lower Edinburgh Grove) is located in the Gordon River Valley.
War in the Woods II ?
Here is Focus Magazine on the battle for the Walbran Valley over the years since the early 1990's, with a potential resurgence in protests as Teal-Jones seeks to log in the largely intact central valley.
AFA’s "Climbing Big Lonely Doug" video on Maclean’s "Canada148"
Maclean’s magazine has featured the Ancient Forest Alliance's video on climbing "Big Lonely Doug", discovered in 2014 by AFA campaigners to be the 2nd largest Douglas-fir tree in Canada - but standing alone since 2012 when Teal-Jones clearcut all the ancient trees around Big Lonely Doug. Our video is one of the 148 videos of Canada’s most incredible people, places and experiences, to celebrate Canada's 148th birthday.
Walbran Valley war
Here is a Global TV piece on proposed logging in the Central Walbran Valley by Teal-Jones, a Surrey-based company threatening endangered old-growth forests in several areas.
A Conservation Review of the Elphinstone Provincial Park Expansion Proposal
Wayne McCrory, one of Canada’s leading conservation-biologists, has completed an ecological inventory of the 2,000-hectare Elphinstone forests that is the subject of a park expansion & protection area proposed by the Elphinstone Logging Focus. Learn about the unique features of this lower elevation, emerging old-growth forest at:
AFA Office Hour Update
HOURS: Tuesday & Wednesday, 11am - 5pm until July 21st. Then back to Tues, Wed, Thurs, 11-5 We're located at the Central Building, 620 View St, 3rd floor #306, Victoria, BC (same building and room as Volunteer Victoria) Stop in for cards, calendars, stickers, t-shirts, certificates, in-person donations, or to ask a question! We'd love to see you. View our online store for full product listing:
Thank You to the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC)!
The Ancient Forest Alliance is most grateful to the Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC) for their major support provided through their Community Contributions grant program. This funding support will allow the AFA to fully complete the Avatar Grove Boardwalk as a model for sustainable eco-tourism promoting old-growth forest conservation. See MEC's website at:
Logging company takes heat for cutting old growth trees in the Great Bear Rainforest
TimberWest has been fragmenting the extremely rare forest types in the southern Great Bear Rainforest which include stands of endangered old-growth Douglas-firs, and is being criticized by enviro-groups.
Return to Sonora: TimberWest in the Great Bear Rainforest
Here's a blog by Greenpeace campaigner Eduardo Sousa about TimberWest logging endangered forest types in the Great Bear Rainforest.
Old-growth logging in Walbran could trigger protests: group
The Teal Jones Group has drawn logging plans for potential logging in the heart of the unprotected Central Walbran Ancient Forest. While they have not applied for any cutting or road-building permits yet from the Forest Service, they have surveyed some potential cutblocks and roads as part of their proposal.