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AFA’s office is located on the territories of the Lekwungen Peoples, also known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations.
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Earth-Friendly Web Design by Fairwind Creative
BC Government Announces Additional Logging Deferrals
Earlier this month, in partnership with First Nations, the BC government announced the deferral of an additional 480,000 hectares of the most at-risk old-growth forests in BC – a big step forward in the push to save old-growth, with a ways still yet to go. Combined with the government’s earlier deferral (a temporary halt to […]
Nootka Island Old-Growth Logging – Part 2
Nootka Island has been ravaged over the years by some of the worst clearcut logging on the coast of BC. Today, about 75% of Nootka’s ancient rainforests have been cut and the best of what’s left remains largely unprotected. Logging now encroaches on the renowned Nootka Trail as well, with clearcuts coming to within 300 […]
Major Old-Growth Logging Deferrals on Mosaic’s Private Lands on Vancouver Island and Haida Gwaii
The largest private landowner in British Columbia, Mosaic Forest Management, is moving to defer 40,000 hectares (400 square kilometers) of old-growth and older second-growth stands from logging on their private lands for the next 25 years, via a carbon credit program. The lands are mainly located on southeastern Vancouver Island, with a few scattered […]
Nootka Island Old-Growth Logging – Part 1
Nootka Island, on the west coast of Vancouver Island, is a natural treasure. From its slopes to shorelines one can find towering redcedars and Sitka spruce trees, white sandy beaches with wolves and whales, and the stunning Nootka Trail, considered by many to be one of the most beautiful wilderness trails in all of […]
International Day of Forests
Happy International Day of Forests! Today - and every day - is a fantastic time to celebrate the magnificent forest ecosystems in BC. These forests are home to some of the oldest, tallest, and widest trees known on Earth.
CBC News coverage on 18-month old-growth report card
Read the CBC News article highlighting our report card with Sierra Club BC and Wilderness Committee that evaluates the BC government’s progress on promised implementation of the Old Growth Strategic Review panel’s recommendations.
Thank you to our generous business supporters!
We would like to give a big shout out to the following businesses and individuals for supporting the AFA’s ancient forest campaign:
Recreational Canoeing Association of BC Signs Resolution in Support of Old-Growth Protection
We’re pleased to announce the Recreational Canoeing Association of BC (RCABC), representing 400 members, has signed a resolution in support of old-growth forest protection! By signing this resolution, RCABC is calling on the BC government to support First Nations to protect at-risk old-growth forests while ensuring sustainable economic development and enabling the shift to a […]
Three-quarters of at-risk old-growth forests in BC still without logging deferrals
In the 18 months since the BC government promised to implement the recommendations of the Old-Growth Strategic Review (OGSR) panel, only 24 percent of the most at-risk old-growth forests have been deferred from logging.
TJ Watt featured in A Photo Editor
AFA’s TJ Watt recently sat down for a chat with Creative Director Heidi Volpe at A Photo Editor.