Seen here are shocking before-and-after images of giant ancient cedars felled in the Caycuse watershed in Ditidaht territory. These photos, captured between 2020—2022 by Ancient Forest Alliance photographer and campaigner TJ Watt, expose the devastating impacts of old-growth logging on Vancouver Island, BC. Monumental redcedar trees that were upwards of 10 feet (3 meters) in diameter were cut here by the logging company Teal Jones.

The images received national news coverage and garnered widespread calls for old-growth protection in BC. Read our original media release here.

The photos series was created with support from the Trebek Initiative, a grantmaking partnership between the National Geographic Society and the Royal Canadian Geographical Society that supports emerging Canadian explorers, scientists, photographers, geographers, and educators with the goal of using storytelling to ignite “a passion to preserve” in all Canadians. TJ was one of the first recipients of the grant in 2021.

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Lower Caycuse Photos Upper Caycuse Photos Regular Photo Gallery

Lower Caycuse Valley

Drag the sliders below to reveal either the ‘before’ or ‘after’ images

Before logging Caycuse Valley After logging Caycuse Valley

Upper Caycuse Watershed

A word from TJ

Capturing these before and after images is quite a time-consuming and difficult process — both technically and emotionally — but I’m committed to exposing the ongoing threats ancient forests face until legislated protection can be achieved for them. Only when seeing a side-by-side comparison can one truly grasp the scale of loss and devastation from old-growth logging. Once cut down, not even our great, great-grandchildren will have the chance to see forests like those there again. Please take a moment and send a message to the BC government calling for conservation financing to help secure Indigenous-led old-growth logging deferrals and eventual permanent protection. Thank you.