camas flowers bloom in a garry oak meadow in uplands park

Camas Lily

The camas lily, known for its glorious blue-purple flowers that can blanket whole meadows, is native to the Garry oak ecosystems of southeastern Vancouver Island.

Totem Pole Ceremony – Opitsaht, Meares Island

Last summer, members of the House of Ewos from the Tla-o-qui-aht Nation, and many invited guests, raised a totem pole at the ancient village of Opitsaht on Meares Island for the first time since 1993.

Nahwitti Lake Old-Growth Trail

On the shores of Nahwitti Lake between the towns of Holberg and Port Hardy in Tlatlasikwala & Quatsino Territory stands one of the loveliest little old-growth trails on Vancouver Island. This gentle path winds through a lush old-growth forest and features massive Sitka spruce trees that soar majestically from enchanting fields of ferns before ending […]

Logging in the Klanawa Valley: “World’s best forestry practices”?

These recent images from the Klanawa Valley highlight the brutal impacts of clearcut logging on Vancouver Island.

Photos: Fairy Creek From Above

The emerald-green ancient forests of the Fairy Creek Valley in Pacheedaht territory from above. Last week we took to the skies to document old-growth forests and logging across the west coast of Vancouver Island and, when you’re in the air, it’s clear just how incredibly rare a sight this is - a roadless valley free from clearcuts. But how long will it remain that way?

The future of BC’s ancient forests hangs in the balance of decisions made today

While the NDP government deliberates on the future of BC’s endangered old-growth forests, logging of ancient trees continues at a shocking pace across the island. Teal-Jones is one of the worst offenders, with dozens of old-growth cutblocks spread out across the Walbran, Caycuse, and Gordon River Valleys. They’ve also begun road construction adjacent to the […]

Photos: Loup Creek Grove – Port Renfrew

In March 2020, the AFA identified a spectacular grove ancient giants along Loup Creek near Port Renfrew in Pacheedaht territory. This region was heavily logged in the 1970s and 80s, save for a strip of old-growth along the river. Most of the old-growth that remains today along Loup Creek is protected within an Old Growth […]

Photo Gallery: Massive Trees Cut Down on Vancouver Island

In April 2020, Ancient Forest Alliance campaigner and photographer TJ Watt explored and documented old-growth logging totalling over 70 hectares along Haddon Creek in Ditidaht Territory and found monumental redcedar trees over 11 feet in diameter cut down. Some of these trees had previously been photographed by him while still standing. Without question, this is […]

Photo Gallery: Exploring & Climbing Ancient Giants at Eden Grove

While further exploring Eden Grove in Pacheedaht territory earlier this year, the AFA’s TJ Watt located another epic stand of ancient giants!

New Photo Gallery: Tahsis – Endangered Old-Growth

See our latest photo gallery featuring an incredible-yet-endangered stand of old-growth Douglas-fir trees growing on the hillside above Tahsis on the west coast of Vancouver Island, BC.